Understanding the incidence, outcomes and impact of COVID and other Communicable Diseases and COVID control measures amongst children and other mothers
Main Applicant – Dr Dennis Wang, Senior Principal Investigator
ASTAR Institute for Human Development and Potential (ASTAR IHDP)
COVID-19 was unprecedented based on its direct impact as well as implementation of measures to contain COVID. Both the short-term and long-term effects of COVID, as well as effectiveness of control measures (both Non-Pharmaceutical or Pharmaceutical Interventions) are not fully understood within vulnerable groups such as young children and pregnant mothers. This includes the negative impact of lock-down measures on physical activity and mental health.
We will also be looking at COVID-19 i) infection, ii) vaccinations, iii) social restrictions have on the brain, neuro and behavioural development, mental health, healthcare utilisation and whether these outcomes are persistent.
While the neurological consequences and MRI brain abnormalities after severe COVID-19 infection are well-described and reported in the literature, less is known about the consequences of mild COVID-19 infection/vaccination/social restrictions during the protracted pandemic on the psychological and mental health impact on the brain.
By bringing together both GUSTO and PREPARE data, we hope to address these questions, so as to better prepare for the next pandemic.