Linkage of HELIOS Data for Technical Evaluation and Training
Main Applicant – Professor John Chambers
Nanyang Technological University / Precision Health Research, Singapore (PRECISE)

Precision Medicine is a personalised approach to healthcare delivery that seeks to account for the genetic makeup, environmental exposures, and lifestyle choices of an individual or a sub-population, coupled with advanced data analytics, to tailor clinical decisions (diagnosis, treatments) based on an individual’s or sub-population’s unique needs. This all-encompassing approach of Precision Medicine can potentially enable improved risk prediction, risk assessment and individualised treatment, thus creating an avenue for improved health outcomes and reduced healthcare costs through targeted and early interventions. An important prerequisite for Precision Medicine is successful linkage between various datasets and capabilities to analyse the fused data.

PRECISE, the central entity coordinating the implementation of Phase II of Singapore’s National Precision Medicine programme, in partnership with SG100K, a prospective population study comprising 100,000 adult men and women recruited from the multi-ethnic Asian population of Singapore, are creating a unique PRECISE-SG100K data resource. Through this approved Data Access Request, the PRECISE-SG100K dataset, which includes both phenotypic and genomic data, will be linked to the electronic health records of the participants. This study will serve as a pilot for future Precision Medicine research activities and will assist in (1) the technical evaluation of the data linkage process on the TRUST platform, (2) building and executing analytical pipelines on the TRUST platform, and (3) formulating research hypotheses for future Precision Medicine studies.