The contribution of genetics to dietary habit and its relation to adiposity and cardiometabolic diseases in multiethnic Asian population
Main Applicant – Dr Theresia Mina, Senior Research Fellow, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University (NTU)

Excess fat in the viscera (tummy fat) increase the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and is known to be generally higher in Asians compared to Europeans.

Both genetic and environmental factors such as dietary habit can influence visceral fat levels. The bulk of our dietary intake contribute to macronutrients. Macronutrients are necessary for our body to survive but long-term effect of macronutrients on health outcomes remains unclear. Further, genetic predisposition for dietary habit can also influence visceral fat levels and the risk of chronic diseases. Therefore, to better understand how Asian dietary habit affect our health, we need to understand the fundamental impact of macronutrients from food groups commonly consumed in Asia.

There are currently few international studies on dietary habit involving multiethnic Asian populations. The SG100K study will address this knowledge gap as the study cohort comprises multiethnic Asians living together, with well-measured dietary intake, visceral fat, and genetic information. Altogether, this information will help us to better understand how both genetic and dietary factors shape cardiometabolic disease risk in Asian populations.