Benefits Of A Data Contributor
TRUST’s success is dependent on strong collaborative partnership with the research community to generate value for our researchers as well as for the public.
TRUST deeply value the close partnerships with Data Contributors who make their research data available through TRUST. It is TRUST’s utmost priority to work closely with Data Contributors to support their research via TRUST, as well as to make their data available to the wider research community.
As contributors to TRUST, Data Contributors will benefit from:
- Receive support from TRUST’s data cleaning team to clean their data in accordance with a harmonised format that meets international standards.
- Improved data quality while retaining their rights to the ownership of their cleaned dataset. Data Contributors will always retain the free and unfettered right to use their cleaned dataset at their own discretion for any purpose outside of TRUST.
- Gain access to real-world data such as clinical and population data available on TRUST. This potentially maximises the value/ utility of their datasets since they will have the first mover advantage as a partner with TRUST.
- During the Exclusivity Period*, Data Contributors retain use of their datasets and determine who has access to the data.
* Note: Concept of “Exclusivity Period” introduced as a NMRC data sharing term for large-sized grants since 2019. Exclusivity period typically refers to either 24 months after the grant ends, or 12 months after publishing, whichever is earlier.
- After the Exclusivity Period, TRUST opens up the usage of the contributed datasets to a larger group of users. This will further expand the Data Contributor’s collaboration network.
- Where the Data Contributor is a collaborator, the ownership of such Foreground IP shall be attributed or allocated between the Data Contributor and the Data Requestor in accordance with the terms of agreement between Data Contributor and the Data Requestor.
- If the Data contributor is not a collaborator, Data Contributor shall still be granted non-exclusive and royalty-free licence to access and use the Foreground IP for its internal and non-commercial research purposes.
* Note: Concept of “Exclusivity Period” introduced as a NMRC data sharing term for large-sized grants since 2019. Exclusivity period typically refers to either 24 months after the grant ends, or 12 months after publishing, whichever is earlier.